09 Nov Meet the team: Ryan Permanand
We continue Week 6 of our Meet the Team Blog with Ryan Permanand!
Tell us a little about yourself
I am 31, I live on my own. I’ve got a lovely little boy who’s now 2; he is the light of my world really, he’s everything.
How long have you worked for Kingdom?
6 and a half years now, time flies when you’re having fun. I was initially brought in just for Sales, my role has now changed I’m now working an Operations role as well as doing a tiny bit of Sales. I’m a lot more hands-on with the company as a whole.
What does your typical workday include?
What doesn’t it include! I’m doing a bit of everything; I’m doing a bit of Sales; liaising with Production staff, giving them the jobs to do, deadlines to meet; liaising with the Warehouse to make sure they’re putting the products out with the correct dates and obviously liaising with the guys upstairs and Sales to make sure they’re happy with everything that’s going out the door.
What do you do outside of work?
I like having a good social beer with my mates, well that’s gonna change now. I play football, I love Liverpool. Play a lot of cricket, I try to play a little golf but it’s more like I’m digging myself around the course really. I’m part of a team for cricket, I play first 11 for Woodham and I have done since the age of 13, I’ve been training since I was 5.
What is a hobby you’d like to get into?
I like playing my sports so if I was to pick up a hobby, another sport. I wouldn’t mind picking up Badminton again, that or Squash.
What’s your favourite thing about working for Kingdom?
It’s constantly busy because I’m working with every department, I don’t stop. It’s literally constant. It’s unpredictable, things can change so quickly you can tell them to stop one job and move on to another one because they (customers) need it urgently.
When you were younger what did you want to be when you grew up?
If we’re talking about really young I’d say something typical like Policeman but when I went off to university, my degree was in History and Politics so something along the lines of that but somewhere along there I’ve fallen down the Sales route and into Operations. A bit different from what I was expecting.
What was the last book you read and last film you watched?
The last book I read was Game of Thrones, I finished the first one in lockdown. The last film I watched was the Gentlemen that’s probably one of the best films I’ve seen in a while, it is so good Hugh Grant’s character in it is really funny he plays the character really well!
Describe your job in 3 words
Unpredictable, busy and sometimes stressful.
What is a fun or interesting fact about yourself?
Couple of things, I had trials for Essex Cricket 3 times so I was on the cusp for a while, and when I was younger in my early 20s I did some modelling for Blue Inc.
What was your first-ever job?
I was a Saturday boy for Blue Inc, I worked myself up from there to management then I moved away from that cause there was nowhere else to go and then found myself working in Sales here.
Who is your favourite person at Kingdom?
I’d like to think I get on with everyone, but my 2 favourite people would be Chris and Hallum. We got on well, I socialise with people out of work but I do see Chris and Hallum a lot more out of work, they’re probably sick of me by the end of the week.
What is your guilty pleasure?
Who doesn’t like a bit of 90s cheese?! 90s cheesy music there’s something nostalgic about it
If you can choose a superpower what would it be?
The power to read women’s minds! Bit like Mel Gibson in What Women Want. Because we don’t actually know what you want, so the power to know that would be fantastic.
I hope you got to know Ryan better! Stay tuned for more Meet the Team blogs, every week!