10 Dec Meet the team: Will
This week we sat down with Will to get to know him better, who knew Will was a talented musician?!
Tell us a bit about yourself
I’m Will, I’m 30, I have been married for 10 months now. And I have a little dog named Miley. I have been with Kingdom for 6 years now. I have had a lot of different roles within Kingdom, I started in a Warehouse junior role and then progressed through various ranks, and I like to think of myself as a bit of utilities man I can kind of do a bit of everything now which really helps when needed.
What does your typical workday include?
It’s very varied. So, the normal kind of operational side; stock coming in and stock leaving; tidying up; making sure we’re all adhering to Kingdom policies. It’s very varied but ultimately, it’s all to benefit Kingdom as a brand, focus on teamwork and that kind of stuff. Also, we all kind of pitch in together to make sure we help out new people and help train up.
What do you do outside of work?
I’m a busy person outside of work! I run my own business, which takes up most of the evening’s weekday. So, I run my own counselling business and that is what I do primarily after work. I keep the weekends free, we love watching movies and taking the dog for a walk, I love all kinds of sports; football, cycling, badminton all that kind of stuff; the main focus on weekends is being outdoors.
What is your favourite thing about working for Kingdom?
Being part of the team, I think because we work so well together it makes work easy in a way. There’s always something going, there is always things to do, but ultimately the people you work with shapes how that comes about and how efficiently and effectively we work. If you don’t work as part of a team you can’t really get that far. It makes the idea of work seem a lot easier when you are a part of a team.
What is a hobby you’d like to get into?
I have always said I’d like to learn how to play the drums. Cos I’m quite musical, and I have my own kind of philosophy which is not to be the should/would/could’ve kind of person, it’s the do. So like if I ever wanted to do acting lessons – I’ve done it, singing lessons – I’ve done it; not saying I’m good at it but I’ve tried it. I can’t really accommodate a drumkit at the moment but I’m sure that will come, no doubt.
When you were younger what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a Rockstar. I’ve been playing the guitar since I was 11, that point I always wanted to be Rockstar on stage. I started wanting to be guitarist hence the singing lessons I wanted to be lead singer, probably to do with wanting to be centre of attention.
What is the last book you read and last film you watched?
The last book I read was part of my coursework, it was called the Wisdom of Donkeys, sounds really bizarre, but what it is about is one man who’s fed up of living in New York and he goes on this journey in Italy with a donkey – it’s a really good book, I’m not really a reader I’m more into films and tv.
Last good film I watched was Invisible Man – I love my films, definitely worth a watch.
Describe your job in 3 words.
Challenging, Diverse (diverse in the varied workload) and fun.
What is a fun or interesting fact about yourself?
An interesting fact is that I originally studied Music Technology and I’ve done a lot of gigs, and things like setting up. I was a Sound Engineer for a 500-piece orchestra. Music’s a passion of mine.
I just found it really hard to break into, I used to create my own songs as well but I found it really difficult to get in to. I’ve had many interviews with record labels, but nothing really materialised, which is fine because you find a new passion that you are very keen on, which is helping others for me.
The thing with Kingdom is that it’s very physical, whereas the counselling is very mentally focussed, you get the best of both worlds. When I’m sitting on the counselling seat I’m not doing any exercise but working here I’m doing lots of exercise, it’s a really good balance.
Who is your favourite person at Kingdom?
I would have to say, Steve. He was the person who hired me, years ago. We gel really well. When there are things to do we both are on the same wavelength, we both knuckle down and do those things. Not to say other people aren’t important but yeah, we share really similar things and have got on so well. And it’s nice to have a manager you can speak to, have fun with and work hard with.
What is your guilty pleasure?
Chocolate and fizzy drinks.
What’s something big or small you’re really good at?
I think I’m good at playing the guitar. And with my other job, I’m a good listener.
If you could choose a superpower what would it be?
Probably flight. Because we love to travel, we love exploring new places. I would class my second home as Cornwall, I go like 2-3 times a year (it’s a family tradition) instead of a 6-7 hour drive we can just fly there! I remember my old family home, my dad flew a drone over it and you saw a completely different perspective, seeing it from above was really weird.
What football team do you support?
Arsenal. We’ve had a string of poor results at the minute and losing to Tottenham.
Next week we will be posting our final blog before the new years so stay tuned!